
Tor-Based Chat For
The Privacy Cautious.

"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

Edward Snowden

Stay private. Share secrets. Do business. Do what ever you want. But don't let the government knowing.

  • Multi-Layer-Encryption
  • One Account → Multiple Aliases
  • Use at 0 Costs

Register here for free

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* min. 5 characters, only lowercase let., no special char., no whitespace
** 8 - 32 characters, min. 1 digit, min. 1 uppercase let., min. 1 lowercase let., min. 1 special char., no whitespace
Data Sovereignty

Privacy is a human right

Your data belongs to you. No third party or even we are able to read your data, only you know what's inside. As it should always have been.

Privacy Focused

Advanced security technologies for maximised privacy.

Your data is encrypted by multiple layers. We store only necessary data which are 100% encrypted. The absolute master key to start the decryption knows only you.

How it works infographic
Multiple Aliases per Account Graphic
Easy Multi-Account Management

All your accounts in one place

Different interests, different profiles, different identities. Manage multiple aliases with one account. There is absolutely no hint for the outside world in which way accounts are connected.


Tor meets everyday use

The decentralized internet is a good thing, but only tech-savvy people and visionairs will be using it, if it takes away the comfort of everyday apps. ChaTor closes this gap and gives you everyday comfort with privacy based technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does ChaTor protects my privacy?

We are following a no log policy. Secondly you need no personal information for the registration. But most importantly we are encrypting all of your chats.

How does the encryption work?

Here is a detailed explanation:

  1. User X creates an account
  2. An encryption-key (EK) from the user's password gets generated
  3. A random master-key (MK) gets created
  4. The MK gets symmetrically encrypted using the EK
  5. A PGP-key-pair gets created
  6. The secret-key (SK) gets symmetrically encrypted using the MK
  7. The encrypted MK, encrypted SK and PK (public-key) gets stored

Then, if a user Y wants to start a chat with X:

  1. Y's message is asymmetrically encrypted two times:
    • Once with the PK of User X
    • and then with the PK of User Y
  2. Both encrypted versions gets stored
  3. The message can only get decrypted by the SK from each User

Each time an User logs in:

  1. The login starts the process of decrypting the MK which can than decrypt the SK
  2. One necessary key is (locally) stored as a session key in the User's browser
If you don't pay for the product you are the product...

That's a true statement and the question "How do we make money?" is definitely legit to ask!

Currently we are depending on your donations and on the banner campaigns*. We are constantly working to improve the service and planning to add premium features. But ChaTor will always stay free to use.

(*) Please note that we are in no way connected to the banners. Please make your own research before doing business with .Onion-Vendors.

Where is my data stored?

Your data is stored outside a 14-Eye-Country and the servers are monitored 24/7.

What data do I need to register?

You don't need anything, just a random username and a password. There is absolutley nothing personal we need to know about you. No email address, no phone number, no recovery information. Nothing.

Do you offer IMAP, POP3 or Push?

No. And we don't plan to add those features. We are no email service in general. Our service is completley web- and tor-based.

Do you log my activity?

No. We don't log user activities. The only activity we are logging are the server activities. This is due to DoS-Prevention.


You can contact us at: chator